Welcome to Treehouse Comix Inc.
Regrettably, we will be closing down all sales due to lack of sales. We apologise for any inconvenience.
About Us
We are a company made up of children. We make comics for all ages. This company has a stand for selling our comics in front of the area where we were first created. We are still looking for more employees so if you are under thirteen years old then we are glad to accept you as an employee of Treehouse Comix Incorperation. It is also possible to become a member. Just $2.50 for 6 months and 50c for each comic. If you are a member, you get a 60% discount for each comic. You also get informed when a new comic comes out. Comics are also sold on Woolcott Street by one of our employees. If you would like to become a member, then please come to the stand at 15 Bramston Avenue. The employees of Treehouse Comix Inc appreciates your looking at our website. For more info, look at the other pages on the website or go to the employee on Woolcott Street and speak to the president of the company.